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Thank you very much for your inquiry at Xebec, a company specialized in “Paper Discovery Service”.
We will reply promptly for your support. Please feel free to contact us.
Regarding inquiries, there are some points of attention.
Please make sure of and accept the following before you send inquiry.

Points of attention

  1. Quick delivery is important for e-discovery. Once checking your inquiry. We will reply as soon as possible.
    Please make sure to specify your contact information.
  2. If you inquire for project that delivery date has been already fixed, please specify the desired delivery date.
  3. After checking your inquiry, we will ask more detail by E-mail or telephone.
    Please kindly spare your time for the questionnaires.
  4. In principle, our answer and copyright in provided materials shall belong to us, Xebec Co., Ltd.
    Reprint, quotation and publication are forbidden without permission.

Handling of personal information

Please be sure to read usage and handling of personal information when you contact us.

1.Please check your inquiry item box.*Required

e-discovery-specific paper probative document scanning service
(Litigation Scanning service)

Document printing & Delivery service for lawyers coming to Japan for deposition from the United States.

2.Please enter your information.

ex)Taro Yamada


ex)Xebec Co.,Ltd.




Please describe your inquiry concretely. If you inquire for project that delivery date has been already fixed, please specify the desired delivery date.
For estimation request, please write case items and delivery date as much details as possible. A staff in charge will contact you certainly before offering the estimation.